Mikołaj Kuska

MSc Student

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MSc Student
Mikołaj Kuska, BSc

Mikołaj is student of second year of master studies of Applications of Physics in Biology and Medicine, specialization: Molecular Biophysics at Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw. In Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics he works in BIO pipeline and realize his master thesis in Structural Biology Group where he works on purification, biochemical and biophysical studies on FASTK protein. During his studies he did two internships: in Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry in Centre of New Technologies of University of Warsawa where he was working on synthesis and purification modified nucleotides. During second internship he was worked in Laboratory of Polymers & Biomaterials in Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences where he was studying influence of ultrasounds on fibroblasts deposited on a PGH substrate obtained by electrospinning. Mikołaj received scientific training in: synthesis of nucleotides analogues, “click” reactions, purification small molecules by HPLC, obtaining and purification recombinant proteins, measurements and data analysis for ATR FTIR, absorption and emission UV-VIS and circular dichroism spectroscopies and application stop flow method for kinetic’s measurements. He also has basic knowledge and experience of DSC, analytical ultracentrifugation, crystallography of proteins and eukaryotic cell cultures (macrophages and fibroblasts). Mikołaj is also involved in science popularization during Warsaw Festival of Sciences, Night of Biologists, Dembowski Festival of Sciences, Ochota Festival of Sciences he also was giving lectures in Kochanowski and Dembowski high schools.
